Every month the song/dance/activity will change. Many of the songs will be from my Recordings. Please print the page and do the activity with your child. Teachers may print the page to use with their classes. If you have questions, Contact Me.
Listen to the whole song on Tiny Tunes, or hear it here:
We say many goodbyes every day – to our child when we leave them at school, to our spouse when we leave for work, to our teachers at the end of the school year, to our family when they leave after a visit, even to a toy when it's broken and can't be fixed. Goodbye can be a happy thing (getting on an airplane to take a trip) or sad (dead goldfish.)
The fact remains, goodbyes happen many times every day. This piggyback song, to the tune of "London Bridge is Falling Down", can be used many ways. Teachers may use it at the end of the school day, parents might use it before saying goodnight and leaving your child's room, as part of your bedtime ritual. However you use it, do it with a smile – and the promise of more fun in the future!
I'll use it to Say Goodbye to 2010 – it's been a fabulous year! I married Jim Stephens on 10-10-10 and we're STILL MARRIED! My newest cd, "BALONEY!" was released and is making its way into classrooms, cars and homes across the country and around the world! So HAPPY OLD YEAR, friends!
Lyrics: | Now it's time to touch your toes Verses: Now it's time to say goodbye |
Movements: | Do what each verse tells you to do – touching your hands or finger to different body parts. Wave with a hand for the goodbye verse, and blow lots of kisses for the ending! |
Age Range: 4 and younger! I do this one-on-one with infants, helping them find their body parts. Toddlers love this song - suggesting what we'll touch next. Young preschoolers find great comfort in an easy song to transition to leaving. You can change the lyrics easily to fit a special situation. I had a child that didn't want Mom to leave – I suggested that we sing this song – the goodbye verse – substituting "bye bye, Mom" for the final line. It worked! (of course, I think I heard MOM sniffling in the hallway!)
Purpose: Many times we need songs to fit a need – this one is all about "goodbye". Hey, the fact that we can identify body parts, pat to the beat and make eye contact during the song is bonus time!